
  1. 客戶必須經KKTIX活動指定網頁(https://sunchaseproductions.kktix.cc/events/kissonstage)以恒生MPOWER卡簽賬,方可享門票折扣優惠。
  2. 門票數量有限,先到先得,售完即止。
  3. 交易一經接納,有關所購電子門票總值及KKTIX平台手續費將即時由客戶之合資格信用卡戶口內扣除,所有已收取之費用皆不設 退款。扣賬時戶口必須備有足夠簽賬額,否則交易無效。
  4. KKTIX的電子門票購票服務由KKTIX提供,並受KKTIX所訂之條款及細則約束。恒生銀行有限公司(「恒生」)概不對電子門票購買服務承擔任何責任。
  5. 演唱會由SUNCHASE PRODUCTIONS舉辦,所有資訊及服務均由SUNCHASE PRODUCTIONS直接提供予客戶,一切有關責任及義務亦由SUNCHASE PRODUCTIONS全權負責,恒生概不對推廣承擔任何責任。
  6. 如節目遭取消或延期舉行,有關主辦單位負責有關節目安排及保留退款或改期的權利,恒生概不對推廣承擔任何責任。
  7. 有關主辦機構及恒生保留隨時更改或終止以上各優惠及不時修改各項優惠之條款及細則之權利,毋須另行通知。
  8. 本條款及細則之中英文文本如有歧異,概以英文本為準。


Terms and Conditions of Hang Seng MPOWER Card ticket discount offer:

  1. Customers must settle the payment via KKTIX designated website (https://sunchaseproductions.kktix.cc/events/kissonstage) with Hang Seng MPOWER Card to enjoy the ticket discount offer.
  2. Tickets are limited and are in first-come-first-served basis, while stocks last.
  3. Once the transaction is accepted, total price of e-tickets and KKTIX booking fee will be debited instantly from the Customer’s Eligible Credit Card account. The amount is not refundable, and the transaction is valid only if the account has sufficient available credit limit.
  4. Booking service of e-ticket is provided by KKTIX. The use of booking service of e-ticket is subject to the terms and conditions prescribed by KKTIX. Hang Seng Bank Limited (“Hang Seng”) disclaims any liabilities in relation thereto.
  5. The Event is organized by SUNCHASE PRODUCTIONS Company Limited. SUNCHASE PRODUCTIONS and all information and services are directly supplied by SUNCHASE PRODUCTIONS who is solely responsible for all obligations and liabilities related to the Event. Hang Seng does not accept any liabilities in connection with the Event.
  6. In case any event is cancelled or postponed, the relevant event organizer is responsible for the relevant programme arrangement, and reserves the right for refund or reschedule of the event. Hang Seng disclaims any liabilities in relation thereto.
  7. The relevant event organizer and Hang Seng reserve the right to vary or terminate the promotion at any time and to amend the terms and conditions of the promotion from time to time without prior notice.
  8. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.


Event Dates